Services - Training Services

Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC)

The Tactical Combat Casualty Care course, is conducted by our recognized TCCC trainer Tom STAES, professional medical emergency operator and member of B-FAST. He introduces life-saving techniques and strategies for providing the best trauma care in urban areas.

We provide Train-the-trainer as well as basic to advanced operator TCCC training. Our focus is set to train all Law Enforcement, Fire/EMS and Homeland Security personnel for urban casualty situations.



Pistol Conversion Kit training

The pistol conversion kit training is given using both CAATactical RONI-G2 as well as the MicroRONI pistol conversion kits.. We provide a full briefing and demonstration in how to properly use the RONI kits for fast traget aquesition and smooth functioning, close to the normal collective weapon SOP's.

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Training Schedule

Police Academy Training Sessions

  • TCCC-O TCCC Operator Training

    Tactical Combat Casualty Care for Law Enforcement officers, held at the police training facilities of Asse, Belgium. Focused on urban trauma situations.

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