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Consulting and Auditing

With our experience and know-how we support our customers in how to protect their critical infrastructure and critical assets. Following a 360° approach in most concerns, we draft a view and split up the work into segments in order to set a better focus on reaching the solutions to the risks and issues found in their organization.

Our main areas of expertise:

-      Critical Infrastructure Protection, Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery using the ISO27001 model.

-      NIS/NIS2 – improvements and adopting compliancy measurement systems to NIS2

-      ICT Infrastructure Management

-      Security Management, logical and physical security auditing and advice

What Value Can AI Create in Critical Infrastructure Protection? |  SecurityWorldMarket.com

Cyber Defense Services

While most organizations speak about cyber security, we talk about Cyber Defense. Applying the security best practices and actually also applying them correctly, does not mean your organization is safe. We ensure defense mechanisms are set in place to respond to the threats, legally and efficiently.

Our experience has been gained in the following cyber defense building blocks:

-      Security Operations Center (SOC) tool selection, integration and SOC building

-      Log Reporting of expected SIEM figures for proper cyber analytics use case management

-      End-Point security escalations to CIRT and law enforcement organisations (domestic and international)

-      Follow-up on log monitoring and log collection

-      Command Center infrastructure solutions, setup of hardware and tools

Defense Solutions R&D

Research, development & testing are the 3 main steps to come to a defense solution that works. By applying structural analysis techniques, we are supporting the people working in the field with technology based solutions. The main skills we have gained in the defense industry, but also in other sectors such as law enforcement, physical security and the intelligence community. Here again, we applied a so called 360° army and law enforcement view on the solutions we can deliver.

We are mainly specialized in the following areas:

-      Small arms selection and its peripheral gear & equipment, selected in that way the operator or user is operating efficiently

-      Optics selection and information technology integration

-      C5ISR project management


Training & Coaching

Our security training services are tailored to critical and high-risk environments and organizations, such as government, finance, energy, telecom and military & law enforcement domains. We use technology as driven factor to organize training sessions focused on mitigating those risks in your domain.

This way we have held general security training and vendor demonstration sessions for special operations forces, intelligence community, government, and industry security managers around the globe. Thanks to our vendor partners we demonstrate their latest technology in the war against terror and cyber attacks.

Our training sessions are focused to provide the attendees direct benefits and enable fundamental cyber and general security awareness. At the end of the courses you know how to work and what to do in your work environment.

How Future Police Officers Will Adapt to Trends in Law Enforcement |  Maryville Online




“There are only two types of companies… those that have been hacked,

and those who don’t know they have been hacked.”



















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